100 Theme Challenge #23: Cats (pt.1)


I decided for “Cats” that I wanted to learn something new. I looked on Drawspace and decided to do the lesson called “Caricature of Kitty the Cat“.  I did the sketch and felt good about it but then the lesson called to copy some shading. I felt like I needed a refresher/more information on shading so I checked out the Virtual Instructor’s lesson on Hatching and Cross Hatching. The videos were super helpful in understanding the light source and where the lines should go.

I’m about halfway through with this one but I’m excited to keep going and practice shading. I’ll update you when I finish!


100 Theme Challenge #22: Mother Nature

Oh Shoot! Did you guys forget about this? I sure did. Grad school will do that to you. Anyway, my sister and I are going to the Women’s March tomorrow and I got out my art supplies so we could make posters (more on that later). I forgot how much I missed learning to draw and paint.

I looked at my sketchbook and the last entry was a sketch of a tree I did last summer at a local park. I felt like it needed to be finished – I was originally going to do just pencil but eventually decided I wanted to break out my color pencils.  (Gah – I should have taken a picture of it before I colored it in!)

 Screen Shot 2017-01-20 at 11.15.53 PM.png

I worked on it for a little while and it felt so incredibly relaxing. It’s definitely not perfect but it brought a little joy to my day to find some time to do something I enjoy.

I hope to not wait 2 years again before I post – I plan to post the sign that I made, some things I’ve done over the past year, and hopefully more of the 100 challenge. Next up – cats!

100 Theme Challenge #21: Vacation


When thinking about vacation, I thought about a dinner I went to last week with my friend. Even though we weren’t on vacation it was super relaxing under an umbrella. We laughed about how the sidewalk was right over the fence and we were only six feet away from cars but we pretty much forgot about it. Hence why there is no background in this picture. I was excited that I got to use my new colored pens. I think they added some good details – plus it looks better than having a black outline after I colored the picture in with watercolor markers. I think the flowerbeds are my favorite part of this 🙂

100 Theme Challenge #20: Fortitude


Not going to lie – had to look up fortitude in the dictionary. A slave was really the first thing I thought of when I looked it up. It’s on notebook paper because I doodled it during class.. And below is some more doodles from class. I should start bringing my sketch book but I think that might be too obvious.20150722_204827